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Mar 17Liked by William R. Boyer

Teachers, police, doctors, lawyers and more (possibly even politicians) choose their profession based on a belief and drive to do some good in this world. I think they are amongst the most disallusioned of groups when the reality of what they are up against vs. what they want to accomplish becomes a daily issue.

I am so grateful for the teachers in my life, and those that continue to teach me. It's an upward - and quickly becoming a dangerous struggle. Teaching that small group of students that are able to listen is literally saving lives.

Like a home that is clean and welcoming, you enter to refresh, renew, relax and enjoy. A school or workplace that is disintegrating before your eyes cannot offer the peace of mind, the safety and restful, inspiring atmosphere to learn. It breeds discontent, abandonment, depression and a general ennui in students and teachers alike.

Students will find outlets for excitement and acceptance elsewhere. Rarely in activities that add to their life expectancy.

Teachers and admins will leave or spend their time climbing out of the hole of beaurocracy, eating away at their energy to teach and offer students a safe place.

We should be building up the base of our next generation for the future. This would seem the most important goal in our lifetime. I don't know how it continually gets pushed to the wayside.

I hope you get the pool restored.

I hope they fix up the building. A clean place with fresh instills hope.

I'm so relieved the ketchup stains weren't blood.

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